Importance of Learning How to Co-Parent after a Florida Divorce

It’s obvious that divorce has an emotional impact on all parties, even in situations where couples agree that divorce is the right course of action and proceed with it uncontested. If there are children involved, the process, no matter how amicable, can have a serious impact on their well-being. Learning how to improve your relationship with your ex and co-parent is an important step in this new chapter of your life. Having a Boca Raton divorce attorney representing you can help.
At the Law Offices of Schwartz | White, our team of Florida family law attorneys work with clients to streamline the legal process and help make the divorce less contentious. We recommend resolving the outstanding issues as swiftly and painlessly as possible to help reduce the tension and emotional impact on your kids.
Set Boundaries and Accept Responsibility
It’s important to set boundaries in regard to co-parenting. Each spouse needs to accept responsibility for the demise of the relationship and learn to move on in this new role as co-parents. When you are negotiating child custody and parenting time, you can set boundaries and guidelines that will help reduce conflict down the line. You can address the uncomfortable situation about how you will handle dating and new relationships where it comes to your children being around this new person.
You should establish some ground rules in the parenting plan that will also be helpful in how you deal with your new roles. You should determine how you and your ex will communicate with each other on decisions that affect your children. Establish pick up and drop off times if your kids are going back and forth so you can establish a routine.
Be cautious of how you deal with your ex’s family. You should be cordial for the sake of their grandchildren, but remember that they are no longer your extended family. If the divorce was heated, there is a strong chance they will side with their own son or daughter.
Do Not Bad Mouth Your Ex in Front of Your Children
We understand the urge to vent and let out your frustrations, but try not to do so in front of your children or directly to them. For example, if your ex is late with child support payments, do not ask your son to go tell his ‘deadbeat dad’ to send money. Even if your ex is being difficult, take the higher road. You do not want to force your kids to take sides after the divorce.
Contact a Boca Raton Divorce Attorney Today
When you have children and go through a divorce, your ex is going to be in your life for years to come. If you can reduce the animosity during the divorce, it can help speed the healing process along. In some cases, just the time apart can help both spouses see more clearly and seamlessly transition into this new chapter of their lives. If you are preparing for a divorce in Florida, or need assistance with custody and support, contact the Law Offices of Schwartz | White today to schedule an initial consultation.