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Frequently Asked Questions: Bits and Pieces of Post-Divorce Life

Divorce can be a messy and time-consuming process.  However, many people do not anticipate having questions after the divorce is completed.  How to deal with individual custody issues, what to do when one ex-spouse’s relationship status changes, and how to collect child support from a non-paying parent are all examples of the types of everyday issues a divorcee may encounter after the divorce agreement is signed.  The answers to some common knotty questions can be found below, but no blog post could completely address these issues.  If your question does not appear below (and even if it does), the help of a family law attorney can resolve these types of problems when they arise.

Child Support

–   What Should I Do If My Ex Stops Paying?

State and federal agencies work together to promote payment of child support.  If you have not received child support payments as ordered, it may be necessary to seek an order from the court to comply or sanction the deficient parent.

–   What Should I Do if I Can’t Pay?

If you cannot afford to pay your child support obligations, your first step should be to seek a modification of the child support order.  If you cannot afford it due to a change in your financial situation, a modification may well be granted.  Contact an attorney to help you pursue a modification.


–   My Ex Married A Millionaire/Got a New Job/Got His Degree.  Can I Stop Paying Alimony?

Maybe, but definitely not immediately.  Look to your alimony or spousal support agreement.  Some types of alimony end with the remarriage of the receiving spouse, and alimony orders can be modified when either party experiences a change in financial circumstances.  Never simply stop making ordered payments without a court’s approval or preauthorization to do so.

–   My Ex Cheated.  Does That Mean I Do Not Have to Pay Alimony?

Not necessarily.  While Florida courts are permitted to consider adultery and the circumstances surrounding it, adultery does not automatically disqualify a person from receiving alimony.

Broken Relationships

–   Can I Sue the Other Man/Woman for Pulling My Spouse Away?

Some states permit suits for that which is called “alienation of affection” or “criminal conversation: (which, despite its name, is not a criminal charge).  Florida is not one of those states, and you will not be able to bring suit.

–   What If My Child Does Not Want to See His or Her Father/Mother?

Regardless of children’s feelings (which may change quickly), both divorced parents are required to follow a judge’s custody order.  However, your child may have an excellent reason for not wanting to visit with one of his or her parents.  If that is the case, you can return to court and ask for a modification of the custody order.

One may assume that dealing with these types of issues are outside the purview of divorce attorneys.  The reality is that divorce and family law attorneys can help with each of these issues and more.  At  Schwartz | White in Boca Raton, our family law attorneys can assist you, no matter how small or how large the issue.  Call 561-391-9943 today for a consultation.

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