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Boca Raton Divorce Lawyer > Boca Raton Family Lawyer > Boca Raton Domestic Violence Lawyer

Boca Raton Domestic Violence Lawyer

Lawyers helping victims of abuse in Palm Beach County

Domestic violence restraining orders provide victims of abuse with legal protection from their abusers. The Law Offices of Schwartz | White supports victims of family violence in their efforts to break free from the abuse. With more than 50 years of combined experience, our Boca Raton domestic violence lawyers have empowered victims to stand up to their abusers by using the legal resources available to them, including court-ordered injunctions.

Immediate help for victims of domestic violence

Victims of domestic violence in immediate danger should call 911 and seek protection at a friend’s or relative’s home, a shelter or another safe location. The victim of domestic abuse does not forfeit rights to the home or property by leaving, and the act of fleeing an abusive situation does not negatively affect a divorce or custody case.

The National Violence Hotline can provide resources and guidance, and can be reached by calling 1.800.799.SAFE (7233), or visit the organization online. Palm Beach County offers services and information through its 24-hour crisis hotline at 866.891.7273 or online. The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office’s Domestic Violence Unit and the Boca Raton Police Department also provide information on their websites.

Obtaining a restraining order

Both family law and criminal courts issue injunctions against abusers. A criminal law judge might issue a no contact order after a domestic battery arrest. Victims can also obtain domestic violence restraining orders at the clerk of courts office in their jurisdiction. Even though a civil judge issues the orders in these cases, violation of the injunction is considered a criminal act and is referred to the criminal justice system. Our family law attorneys answer questions and provide helpful guidance in obtaining the crucial protection of law enforcement agencies and the courts.

The process of issuing a domestic abuse injunction

The clerk of court office at any county courthouse can accept a petition for an Injunction Against Domestic Violence. A judge approves a temporary Injunction Against Domestic Violence order that is valid until an evidentiary hearing can be had upon such petition, generally within 14 days. During a hearing within the 14-day period, the court decides whether to extend or dismiss the injunction based upon evidence submitted by the petitioner and the respondent. The court may approve the extension of the order for a few more months, a year or an indefinite time period. Our lawyers advocate for our client’s protection at the hearing and for those wrongfully accused.

Consult our compassionate Boca Raton lawyers about obtaining domestic violence protection in Palm Beach County

Learn your rights to legal protection from your abuser. Call the Law Offices of Schwartz | White at 561-391-9943 or contact us online to schedule an appointment. Our Boca Raton domestic violence lawyers serve all of South Florida, conveniently located off I-95 in the Bank of America Building. Free parking is available.

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