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How to Get Divorced in Florida When You’re Broke


The Internet seems eager, perhaps even frighteningly so, to give people advice about high net worth divorce.  Perhaps it falls into the category of aspirational content.  The people who commission freelance writers to create this content if you are lucky, and who command chatbots to write it if you are not, might assume that the number of Internet users who click on it is far greater than the number of people who are in a position to benefit from the content therein.  They might imagine that readers are clicking on it so that they can daydream about what it is like to be rich enough and married enough to be in the market for high net worth divorce.  Where is the divorce advice for the rest of us, the ones whose debts exceed our modest assets?  Trying to get the cheapest possible divorce is not always the best option, even if fancy upgrades like collaborative divorce are several tax brackets beyond your reach.  To find out more about affordable divorce options, contact a Boca Raton divorce lawyer.

Rely on Legal Aid Clinics

It is a mistake to assume that your income is the deciding factor in whether to hire a lawyer to represent you in your divorce case.  Everyone has the right to represent themselves in family court, whether the matter at hand is divorce, requesting child support, or modifying a parenting plan, but that does not mean that everyone should.  Representing yourself in your divorce case is only a good idea if your entire marriage was an afterthought, if you and your spouse never owned property together and did not even stay together long enough to renew the lease on their apartment.

If you know you need a lawyer, but you know you can’t afford the prices that divorce lawyers quote you when you call for a consultation, legal aid clinics are your best bet.  At these services, law students, with the help of their professors, guide you through the divorce process, and it costs much less than hiring a private practice law firm.

Be Honest With Yourself About Whether You Need a Lawyer

Representing yourself in a divorce case, except in the simplest of cases, is penny wise and pound foolish.  Sure, it costs less money to finalize your divorce, but when you and your spouse go through mediation without the help of lawyers, your property division agreement and parenting plan are likely to end up with more holes than Swiss cheese.  Disputes will inevitably arise from the ambiguities in your agreement, and you and your spouse will end up back in court.  If you hire a lawyer from the beginning, you can end up with a practical agreement that will prevent future disputes.

Contact Schwartz | White About Getting Divorced on a Shoestring Budget

A South Florida family law attorney can help you finalize your divorce if you have limited means.  Contact Schwartz | White in Boca Raton, Florida about your case.



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